Dedicated to a community of hardcore entertainment fans, Creepy Catalog is the premiere horror, thriller, fantasy and mystery entertainment publication on the web. From big blockbusters to indie hits, Creepy Catalog readers trust our team to help guide them to find their next media obsession.
Trusted since 2014, with an ever-growing audience, Creepy Catalog is a one-of-a-kind endemic media buy.
By the Numbers
- 3.5M readers monthly
- 78% adults 18-48
- 1.7M Facebook fans
- 288K Instagram followers
- 129K TikTok fans
- 144 index as horror movie buffs (Quantcast)
- 4 the average number of paid streaming services per reader
Creepy Catalog can create bespoke campaigns tailored exactly to your marketing and business needs. Some of our most frequently used capabilities include:
- Custom Editorial and Social Content
- High Impact Video and Banner Media
- Email Newsletter
- Trailer of the Week Package
- Premiere Day Package
Past Partners
Creepy Catalog has helped craft custom advertising and media campaigns for some of the most successful movies and TV shows from the biggest studios and streaming platforms.
Curious to learn more?
Check out our media kit for additional information and contact our sales team.