Tony Todd Snubbed by the Oscars ‘In Memoriam’ Segment
So rude!
199 articles
The best horror news in movies and TV, especially with a focus on streaming platforms like Amazon, Netflix, Hulu, Shudder, HBO Max, and Paramount Plus. We also cover theatrical releases.
So rude!
…but only one of those movies stars, and is endorsed by, the original 1985 cast.
This article presents a timeline of events, a brief summary of the allegations, and speculation about what this legal battle could mean for fans.
The most terrifying part of Midsommar is how many have praised it as a tale of female empowerment.
The True North Trilogy will be complete! Hopefully!
Don’t miss this opportunity to see New Fears Eve on the big screen at one of the premier indie horror film festivals!
Can Paul W.S. Anderson “improve” on ground already covered by one of cinema’s most notorious video game filmmakers?
You can help complete The Barn trilogy while claiming some great perks!
Franchise creator Damien Leone has said he wants to make sure to end the series in a deliberate way.
FearPix is the latest streamer to devote its content library to fans of horror and thriller movies. It’s free, but is it worth your time?
The original complaint might be gone, but the legal troubles are not over yet.
Three new supernatural horror movies from Indonesia are headed to Netflix in September 2024, and here’s what we know about them!
The Fetus looks like it’ll be a fun and gory indie horror treat, and the Kickstarter impresses with great rewards and a completely open process.
Gregg Hale, one of the producers of The Blair Witch Project, will be in attendance and take part in a Q&A after the movie!
The makers of indie horror-comedy hit Murdercise are returning with another stylish, fun, and bloody film, and you can watch the first trailer now!
Of course, Carrie Fisher is no longer around to dispute Dunne’s claim so we have to take his word for it.
Shyamalan pitched ‘Trap’ as: “What if The Silence Of The Lambs happened at a Taylor Swift concert?”
A bunch of horror and related genre shows that were previously exclusive to AMC will be streaming on Netflix soon! This preview will help you pick which one to watch first.