Natalia Vela
Natalia is a writer, poet, and collage artist living in Houston, Texas. Her favorite scary movies include Pearl, Midsommar, and Jennifer’s Body. In her spare time, she enjoys writing “good for her” horror fiction.

20 Ballet and Dance Horror Movies
The obsessive nature of their love for the art form can be destructive—deadly, even.

20 Small Town Horror Movies
The 20 horror movies on this list prove that small towns that look idyllic on the outside have the most terror lurking within them.

20 Best Religious Horror Movies of All Time
“Are you still saying your prayers? Our prayers protect us from the devil.”

Dani’s Ending in Midsommar Isn’t the Feminist Win You Think It Is
The most terrifying part of Midsommar is how many have praised it as a tale of female empowerment.

20 ‘Anti-RomCom’ Horror Movies
Discover the horrors of relationships on this curated list of 20 anti-romcom movies that will terrify you into living that single life…maybe forever.

20 Essential Psycho-Biddy Films
Problematic or camp? This is the best of Hagsploitation.

Urban Frights: 35 Horror Movies That Take Place in the City
This list catalogs the 35 best big city horror movies, where an urban setting is integral to the horror that unfolds.

25 Cheerleader Horror Movies
Ready? OKAY!

The 20 Greatest Hammer Classic Horror Films
Dracula, Frankenstein, lesbian vampires, blood, and loads of British gothic horror. This list contains Hammer’s best classic horror films.

The 10 Most Unnerving Horror Movie Endings of All Time
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. The 10 horror movies on this list have the most unsettling endings in the genre.

9 Reasons Why We Can’t Wait For Smile 2
Smile 2 is one of our most anticipated movies of 2024, and we’re betting it’ll be one of the scariest.

‘Director’s Cut’ (2024) Trailer Unveils an Indie Slasher Movie You’re Going to Want to See
Onetencrew Films promises a wild, suspenseful, bloody ride with its upcoming slasher Director’s Cut. The movie is writer-director Don Capria’s feature…

Dinner Parties From Hell: 20 Horror Movies About Frightening Feasts
This mouth-watering list of 20 horror movies serves up the best of nightmare dinner party cinema.

35 Horror Movies About Curses
This list catalogs 35 spellbinding horror movies about terrifying curses.

20 Creepy Movies About Circuses and Carnivals
Step right up…to this list that catalogs 20 horror movies about carnivals and circuses!

20 Horror Movies About Haunted Attractions
This list containing 20 horror movies about haunted attractions is for those craving a frightful haunt, missing fall, or trying to get in the Halloween spirit. Enter, if you dare.

20 Dark Academia Horror + Thriller Movies
This list catalogs the 20 best dark academia horror and thriller films, and is made for those with a “morbid longing for the picturesque.”

15 Horror Movies That Are Surprisingly Feminist
Young women in their sorority house being hunted down one by one by a deranged killer with a predilection for making lewd phone calls—sounds exploitative, right? Wrong.