Chrissy Stockton

Chrissy Stockton

Chrissy is the co-founder of Creepy Catalog. She has over 10 years of experience writing about horror, a degree in philosophy and Reiki level II certification.

My desert island horror movies are:

  • Carrie (1976)
  • The Shining (1980)
  • Scream (1996)
  • Raw (2016)
  • Midsommar (2019)

Watching horror movie marathons on TNT at sleepovers growing up. Specifically I remember watching Halloween (1978) and being super scared.

It doesn’t scare me anymore but the first time I saw The Ring (2002) I thought I would never recover.

I can’t pick just one! I’m most excited to see what Julia Ducournau, Rose Glass, Chloe Okuno, Mike Flanagan and Mimi Cave do next.

I assume non-horror fans aren’t into something with a lot of on-screen blood, so i’d go with a ghost movie like The Others (2001) or something that is emotionally powerful like Mike Flanagan’s Midnight Mass miniseries.

22+ Serial Killer Movies

From the quiet murders that go under the radar to the bombastic slayings of scores of victims, these serial killer movies highlight the worst humanity has to offer.

44+ Queer Horror Movies

Queer horror movies can be those that follow an LGBT protagonist, those that have a queer writer and/or director, or even movies that just feel thematically familiar to queer audiences.

14 Short Horror Movies on YouTube

Reality+ is basically a free 22-minute Black Mirror episode on YouTube that answers the question “What if everyone could just buy a device that made them really, really ridiculously good looking?”