Jay Gabler
Jay Gabler is a writer specializing in arts and entertainment. He has a PhD from Harvard and is a reporter at the Duluth News Tribune, co-founder of The Tangential, and a member of the Minnesota Film Critics Alliance.

10 Horror Tropes the ‘Star Wars’ Universe Relies On
Every one of the original three Star Wars movies has an extremity being cut off with a lightsaber.

What Movies Got Right (and Wrong) About AI
Here’s what almost a century of cinema has gotten right and wrong about AI.

How Stranger Things Evoked an Era Through Easter Eggs
The series is stuffed with Easter eggs: deep-cut references that reward those who are in the know.

Harry Potter Movies, Ranked
The books are the most ingeniously plotted fantasy novels ever written, and a pre-digital publishing phenomenon that can never be repeated

The 9 Types of Horror Movie Soundtracks
Horror soundtracks have a particular hold on filmgoers’ hearts — or, as the case may be, throats.

Every ‘Star Wars’ Movie, Ranked
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…