‘Freaky’ Hits HBO Max This Weekend

And the rest of the best horror streaming this weekend.

Hey Creepy Catalogers,

Here’s the best horror streaming this weekend:

The Life of David Gale (2003). Streaming on Netflix. A murder mystery told as a drama, but the ending is creepy enough that horror fans will love this movie.

 Clinical (2017). Streaming on Netflix. A psychiatrist is troubled by an especially difficult case and a recent trauma in her past.

If you have HBO Max, the Vince Vaughn body swap horror movie Freaky (2020) is streaming on Saturday. It’s gotten great reviews and is supposed to be funny too. I can’t wait to check it out!

Finally, if you haven’t started American Horror Stories on FX on Hulu, it kicks ass so far.

This week in horror:

Happy streaming and stay spooky!