Brand New Cherry Flavored Friday the 13th

Brand New Cherry Flavor is a new limited series on Netflix about an aspiring filmmaker in 1990s Los Angeles

It’s a spooky Friday the 13th here at Creepy Catalog HQ where we are impatiently waiting for the Halloween decorations to arrive at our local Home Goods. Here’s a list of freaky things that have actually happened on Friday the 13th for you to get in the holiday spirit. And the best of what’s streaming this weekend:

Brand New Cherry Flavor. Streaming on Netflix. This looks like a hell of an original series for Netflix about an aspiring filmmaker in 1990s Los Angeles. The visuals of this limited series make it look super creepy and fun:

Beckett. Streaming on Netflix. A creepy action thriller about a man who goes on vacation with his girlfriend and suddenly finds himself at the center of a political conspiracy.

If you’re in the mood for a Friday the 13th classic, the iconic 80s franchise is only available rental or included with Starz subscriptions. The (almost) full length fan movie, Never Hike Alone, is free on YouTube.

This week in horror:

Creepy reads:

Happy streaming and stay spooky!!