A ‘Children of the Corn’ Remake Is Coming to Shudder
Wimmer’s vision will see a girl leading the charge to murder the town’s adults.

The last decade has given us some incredibly stellar Stephen King adaptations and now a fresh adaptation is coming of one of his most famous short stories. Children of the Corn was originally published in King’s Night Shift and tells the story of a young couple, Burt and Vicky, who are on a road trip to California. Along the way they accidentally hit a young boy while in a rural Nebraska town, Gatlin. As they search for help, they realize Gatlin has been semi-recently abandoned. Eventually the couple discovers that 12 years ago the children of Gatlin killed all of the adults under the influence of a supernatural diety they call “He Who Walks Behind the Rows”.

The short story is famous because of the iconic 1984 adaptation which gave birth to ten films in the franchise, all of them direct to video. The abundance of low budget sequels and the fact that the CGI in the original is laughable by 2023 standards means that the Children of the Corn name doesn’t exactly inspire fear in horror fans despite the original story (and for the most part, the original adaptation) are very scary. Now a gender-swapped remake is hoping to scare a new generation.
Kurt Wimmer began filming his Children of the Corn remake in 2020 and it finally has a release date. Children of the Corn will hit theaters on March 3 before being available to stream on demand on March 21. Instead of the children of Gatlin being led by child preacher Isaac (John Franklin in the original), Wimmer’s vision will see a girl leading the charge to murder the town’s adults with one defiant high schooler standing in her way.
This will be the eleventh film in the Children of the Corn franchise.