‘Wild Zero 2’ is Now Crowdfunding: Help Support the Sequel to the Japanese Cult Classic
If you want to see a legendary Japanese rock star defend Earth from zombies and aliens, then Wild Zero 2 needs your help.

If you enjoy movies about zombies, aliens, deafening rock ‘n’ roll, and love that transcends all borders and genders, then you’ve probably heard about Wild Zero (1999). It is a Japanese cult classic that remains amazingly enjoyable more than twenty years after its release. And now, the original star and director are back with hopes of making a long-awaited sequel. But they need your help.
Over the weekend of March 10th, 2024, a Kickstarter campaign began for Wild Zero 2. If you already know you want Wild Zero 2 to become a reality and don’t need to read any more, head over to Kickstarter now and show your support. For the rest of you, read on. To start, here’s the teaser promo for Wild Zero 2.
To paraphrase the Kickstarter’s synopsis, the heroic Guitar Wolf was frozen by the forces of evil sometime after the events depicted in the original movie. In Wild Zero 2, the absence of our hero led to a post-apocalyptic world where civilization as we know it is gone. Rock ‘n’ roll is dead. A century into the future, a descendant of the Wolf Clan resurrects Guitar Wolf who leads the fight against hordes of zombies to bring rock and love back into the world. We can expect sword fights, zombie slaughter, UFOs, fire, explosions, and lots of Guitar Wolf’s signature style of music.
The heart of the band Guitar Wolf, and the man who goes by the name Guitar Wolf himself, Seiji, is back for Wild Zero 2. The other two members of the Guitar Wolf power trio have changed since the 1999 movie, but the newest members, Bass Wolf Gotz and Drum Wolf Shingo, are sure to be in the new film. Also returning is Tetsuro Takeuchi, the director of the original. Takeuchi and all three members of Guitar Wolf recently attended a screening of Wild Zero in Japan to talk about the sequel. Clips from the events can be seen below.
The Kickstarter for Wild Zero 2 began on March 10th, 2024. The campaign has a long way to go, and every contribution helps. The production team is asking for the equivalent of close to $350,000 (U.S. dollars), and there are a lot of great rewards available to encourage fans to reach that goal. The most interesting reward included in some of the higher levels is the chance to have your digital likeness put onto a zombie in the movie. A very brief rundown of how your digital zombie will be created can be found on the “Guitarwolf Records” YouTube channel, as seen below.
And, of course, there are plenty of other rewards available on the Kickstarter. Common rewards like “thank you” messages, digital access to the movie, and film credits are included along with fun rewards like a digital script with manga by Bass Wolf Gotz, a soundtrack download, and your photo in the movie. Some of the rewards are limited, so go take a look as soon as you can to ensure you get what you want.
To contribute to the Wild Zero 2 Kicksaterter campaign, follow the link here: Making of WildZero2 on Kickstarter
As a bonus for fans of the “jet rock ‘n’ roll” band that stars in the Wild Zero movies, Guitar Wolf is touring in North America beginning in May. Check out the tour dates for a Guitar Wolf concert near you. And if you’ve never seen Wild Zero (1999), you need to rectify that situation as soon as possible. The Wild Zero DVD is currently available on Amazon.